Avatars (2,163)
Pages [22] : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Name | Solution | |
#POOLPARTY | Randomly awarded during the Pool Party Event 2015. | |
1 Year | Visit King Baspinar when your account is one year old. | |
10 Years | Visit King Baspinar when your account is ten years old. | |
1000 | View your avatars page when you've collected 1000+ avatars. | |
10th Birthday | Use any 10th Birthday Pinata, purchasable in user shops. | |
11 Years | Visit King Baspinar when your account is eleven years old. | |
12 Years | Visit King Baspinar when your Marapets account is 12 years old. | |
13 Years | Have an account on Marapets for 13 years and visit King Baspinar. | |
14 Years | Visit King Baspinar when your account is 14 years old. | |
15 Years | Awarded when your account age reaches 15 years old. | |
1500 | Have 1500 hidden avatars and visit Digital Fairy. | |
16 Years | Visit King Baspinar when your account is 16 years old. | |
17 Years | Randomly appears when your account is 17 years old. | |
17th Birthday | Let your pet play with a Pinata from Marapets 17th Birthday. | |
18 Years | Appears randomly when your account is 18 years old. | |
18th Birthday | Dress your Doll with the Happy Birthday Contact Lenses. Available from Account Upgrade Shop during Marapets 18th Birthday event. | |
1MP Auctions | Bid on one of Enpiah Alien's 1MP auctions. | |
2 Years | Visit King Baspinar when your account is two years old. | |
25 to Life | View your Prison pet when it's prison stat is 25 or more. | |
3 Years | Visit King Baspinar when your account is three years old. | |
3.14 Pie | Feed a pie from Thanksgiving 2019 to your pet. | |
4 Years | Visit King Baspinar when your account is four years old. | |
5 Years | Visit King Baspinar when your account is five years old. | |
500 | View your avatars page when you've collected 500 avatars. | |
6 Years | Visit King Baspinar when your account is six years old. | |
666 | View the Online List when there are exactly 666 players online. | |
7 Years | Visit King Baspinar when your account is seven years old. | |
8 Years | Visit King Baspinar when your account is eight years old. | |
8th Birthday | Randomly awarded during Marapets 8th Birthday Party 2012. | |
9 Years | Visit King Baspinar when your account is nine years old. | |
9th Birthday | Randomly awarded during Marapets 9th Birthday Party 2013. | |
@ | Refresh your pet's book list after it has read Maramail Grammar Guide. | |
A Whole New World | Visit Queen Eleka after you have visited marapets 1000+ days. | |
Abandoned | Disown a pet at the Pound. | |
Abolous | Beat Abolous 75 times in the Battle Arena. | |
Accordian | View your pet's instruments list when it's Level 10 at accordian. | |
Achoo! | Send a Box Of Tissues to Tisha. | |
Acne | Attack Acne with any Grenades in Battle Arena. | |
Acorn | Earned during the Scout Event Summer 2016 when completing at least four badges for Team Acorn. | |
Active | View the Online List when more than 500 players are online. | |
Addow Ride | Score over 1000 in the Flash Game Addow Ride. | |
Adorab | Receive an Adorab when opening a Cancer Treasure Chest. | |
Advent | Use an Advent Tree Costume on your pet. | |
Advent | Advent Calendar prize, December 2004 | |
Advent Tree | Complete the Advent Tree Map and then visit the Advent Tree in Biala. | |
Agatha | Make an Agatha plate at the Ferris Wheel. | |
Agent | Win 13 battles against Agent in the Battle Arena | |
Ahoy Matey | Open a Pinata from Marapets 12th Birthday event and win any pirate item. | |
Alen | Repeatedly attach an Alen to your pet. | |
Alien | Use an Alien Costume on your pet | |
Alien Clarinet | View your pet's Instruments when your pet is Level 10 Alien Clarinet. | |
All Ears | View your pet's DVD list when it has watched All Ears. | |
Allerjee | View the page of your deck with the Allerjee trading card. | |
Alyee | Grow an organic Alyee minipet. | |
American | Use an American Costume on your pet | |
Anagram Sam | Random when completing an Anagram Sam puzzle. | |
Ancient | Gain a Hieroglyphic from a University course. | |
Ancient Kamilah | Open a Desert treasure chest | |
Andy | Buy an Andy from the Minipet shop. | |
Angel | Own an Angel pet that has watched Angels then view it's DVDs. | |
Angelic | Wear the Angel Character Costume. | |
Angelic Guitar | Have your pet achieve Level 10 in Angelic Guitar then view their Instruments. | |
Anime | Use an Anime costume on your pet. | |
Anjet | Attach an Anjet to your pet for 150+ days then view the minipet. | |
Anlur | Attach a Anlur minipet to a Vixen then view the minipet. | |
Ant Hill | Win any item from the Ant Hill in Gigantic Paradise. | |
Antiques | Buy any item from the Antique Shop in Simeria. | |
Anubis | Complete level 20 of the Temple of Transformation in Simeria. | |
Anuriah | Have an Anuriah in your attic and search Mini Pets. | |
Apartment | Refresh at Puchalla Village. | |
Aphid | Make an Aphid plate at the Ferris Wheel. | |
Apocalypse | Open Apocalypse Treasure Chest. | |
Apollo | Win 14 battles against Apollo. | |
Apophis | Buy an Apophis from the Spy Shop. | |
Applex | Grow an organic Applex. | |
April Fools | View the Create a Pet page on April 1, 2009. | |
April Fools 2015 | Visit the site on April 1, 2015. | |
Aquarium | Feed a fish at the Aquarium. | |
Aquarius | Open an Aquarius Treasure Chest. | |
Arcade | Play and send score 1000 times on any Arcade games. | |
Arcade | Use an Arcade Costume on your pet. | |
Arcade Fairy | Visit Arcade Fairy when you have submitted 2500 or more game scores. | |
Architect | Have a pet with Architect job accept a promotion Level 2. | |
Arctic | Open an Arctic Treasure Chest | |
Aries | Open an Aries Treasure Chest. | |
Aristocorn | Make an Aristocorn plate. | |
Arizona | Attach an Arizona to a Fire pet then view the minipet. | |
Armoured | Use an Armoured Costume on your pet. | |
Arrr... | Use the wrong tool to fix your marahome or use any tool on your marahome when it is not broken. | |
Art | Enroll your pet in an art class at the School. | |
Asploded | Let your pet play with a Ripped Sybri Plushie.. | |
Astronaut | Get your pet the Astronaut job. | |
Ata | Attach an Ata to your pet for 22 days then view the minipet. | |
Athlete | Have a pet with Athlete job accept a promotion Level 3. | |
Attic | View your Attic - may be random. | |
Aura | Receive an Aura minipet when opening a Winter Treasure Chest. |