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HTML Miscellaneous
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An iFrame is an 'inline frame'. It is used to embed another document within the current HTML document.
<iframe src=''></iframe>
For editing the size of an iframe, see the CSS boxes tutorial.
Span tag
The span tag does nothing. This may seem totally useless, but say you've one word in a paragraph you want styled differently, just put the span tag around it, and style as you desire.
<p>Fictum, deserunt <span id='styled'>mollit</span> anim laborum astutumque!</p>
Fictum, deserunt mollit anim laborum astutumque!
If you've an off-site marasite, this is a useful code to insert into your actual marasite.
The following code goes in the head tag: ('n' is the number of seconds you want it to take for redirecting.)
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="n; url=" />
The following code goes in the body tag:
<a href="INSERTURLHERE">click here</a>